Rockin' it Out!

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Weekend (& my 50th post!)

Well, these pics loaded backward... I guess from now on I will upload them backward from last to first and they'll be on my blog the opposite way... good to know! So the weekend in pics! The first picture here is of my sister and me. I thought it was good to own up and show a full body shot of me on the internet. I'm standing with my gut out but what the heck, here I am! Also, thought it good to point out the weight issues that rack my family. :( It's a pretty common theme as you'll see. My sister, Niomi, was pursuing gastric bypass for a while but stopped. She thought she could do it on her own. I don't think that's the case but we'll see. It's not really my business. I just try and insert my 2 cents whenever she'll hear me. :)

We had a fabulous weekend!! Friday night we met up with good friends Dana and Craig and had dinner. We were supposed to go the BBQ & Blues festival but it was rainy and yucky so we met up at an Irish pub and had drinks and dinner. I had the fish fry and it was FANTASTIC! I also found out that Dana reads my blog and doesn't comment. The naughty girl!!! So HI Dana!! Comment away :)

Saturday we woke up early and head off to my Grandma's 80th birthday celebration. We had a park shelter reserved but it was, once again, raining. It was relocated to a family member's garage and eventually it did stop raining and we moved out onto the driveway and had a party!!
This is me and the birthday girl! Her name is Norma Claire and my kiddo is Cadence Claire, named for her. She is definitely my favorite lady and I love her to pieces. We have a great connection and often find ourselves contacting each other only to hear, "I was JUST going to call/write/email you!!!" I just adore her.
I thought this was an interesting picture. I'm eating and I don't hate the picture... a RARE (ok, pretty nonexistent) moment. I wanted to post this though because you can see the mass amounts of food on my brother's plate (far left) and he finished before I did. Most people do and actually, most have seconds before I finish one plate. It helps to fit in though since I'm still eating while everyone else is and no one asks why I'm not eating. In this picture are all the men in my immediate family. Left to right is my brother, Bill, me, my younger brother, Adam, and my dad, Bill.
This is a lovely shot to have gotten! Pictured here is my Grandma with all her grands and greats. She has 7 grands and 7 greats! :) Believe it or not the kiddo with the peace sign on his shirt is a grand and he shares a birthday with Emily (second from right) who is a great.
Then there's this picture. It just makes me giggle. This is my sister-in-law, Kate and me. Guess which one of us knew the picture was being taken??? I like the picture of me though because I'm leaning in and sticking my neck out and so I don't have any double chin action going on. ;) It's the little things!! I also thought I look relatively thin here and ya gotta love that!!

I have some more pics to share but I don't want to mess up this post by adding more pics so I'll make a new one for them. Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!!


  1. I think you look great in these pictures! I can see a really big difference and you actually look younger! Also, dang you legs are tiny! good work and I know you feel like your progress has been slow, but it is showing! Keep it up!

  2. Definitely looking good! You can see a difference...regardless of how it feels.

  3. You look lovely, Tiffani. A big smile too which just lights up your face :)
    Sounds like you all had a lot of fun. Cool family you have (your grandmother reminds me of my grandmother.. it must be the white haired thing going on. She looks adorable)

  4. you Look Great! Looks Like you all had a great time!!! My daughter is the 7th grandaughter on my Boyfriends side and the 1st grandkid on my side. so she is A SPOILD CHILD. lol
