Rockin' it Out!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Down AGAIN!!

I just wanted to post really quick and say I was down another .2 lbs this morning!!! I will take that .2 of a lb and KEEP it, thank you very much! I am sooooo thankful for .2 after stalling on the same weight for months. Yes, months. I didn't think I'd stall so soon after surgery but I did... and it sucked. It looks like things are moving again and I am SO thankful.

Did I mention how thankful I am to be moving again??? ;)

Now... off to a Pampered Chef party... eeek, we'll see who wins tomorrow... me vs. scale.


  1. are so crazy! I now know what will get you to post more often...when the scale moves down :)

    Also...I wish I could go to the pampered chef party with you! I love kitchen gadgets!

  2. So happy the scale is moving again for ya! Awesome news. Those plateaus suck!
