Rockin' it Out!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A few different things to say

I wanted to thank you all for your kind words on the "anniversary" of my mom's death.  You really managed to make me smile and I appreciate that.  I smiled through the tears thinking of how happy and proud for me she must feel.  At least that's what I hope!!

Also, the guy that killed her... I don't know too much about him because I was so young and my dad doesn't talk about it a whole lot.  I do know that he went into a mental institution for a while and was released.  That's what happened to 17 y/o's who wanted to kill themselves  at that point in time.  His name is David Braun so he has a VERY common name and I've looked him up before but there are tons of people with his name so he could be anywhere, doing anything... or he could be dead.  I have no clue and I, honestly, no longer care.  For a long time I wanted to punch the guy in the face or something.. just something.  I'm long over that.


On a completely different note! :)

I went to the gym this morning for my cardio session with my trainer.  We do 20 minutes every Tuesday and are going to be bumping that up to 2-3 times a week and just 1-2 strength sessions instead of 3 strength, 1 cardio.  I need the cardio at this point so I've gotta change things up.  Anyways... in the beginning of training, a few months back, I was lucky to get to one mile during my session.  It slowly went up each week and our goal was always to get a little farther than the previous week.  Last two weeks have been right around 1.25 miles.  Well, this week I got to 1.3 miles and BOY did it feel great!  We started jogging at around 5 minutes in and before that we were doing a fast walk.  I've never started running so soon in the session either.... man.. it just felt good all around :)

Well, I posted about it on facebook this morning and darn it if one person didn't tell me that I inspired them to work out today!  THEN, another friend chatted me up on facebook and said she was inspired too and was going to go change and work out right then!  And then she changed her facebook status to thank me for inspiring her!!!  She spelled my name wrong (dammit) but I won't fault her too much for that.  I'll blame my dad... he named me.

I'll leave you with a photo of my bambino in her Halloween costume at dance last week.  This is how she was supposed to look on Halloween too but it was too cold and she had to wear a coat under her costume and she wound up looking like a chubby version of this ;) LOL.  She's a "midnight fairy" so says the costume packaging.

Oh and the hubby did her makeup! Love him!!


  1. Gorgeous little girl! Halloween looks so like so much fun for you guys.. almost wishing we had it here lol.
    Go you on becoming someone who inspires people. Gotta love that. Well done :)

  2. Tif ! She is soooooo adorable and thumbs up to the hubby on the make up !!
    I'm very proud of you that you are commited to your work out and I wanted to echo that you are an inspiration to many and to me !! Every pound that you lose and every comment and morsel of support is an inspiration to all those who have the privilidge of knowing you. We are all strong beautiful women that with each other as inspiration will be unstoppable !!! Love ya !!!!

  3. Your daughter is adorable. What cute little outfit! Congrats on upping the work outs, your facebook friends are right, you are an inspiration!

  4. so how did you start the Jogging? like how long were you jogging each session. I really really want to run but it is so hard to do it on your own and push yourself ya know. so how did you begin your journey to Jogging 1.30 miles. LOL

    Your daughter is adorable!!!!

    You are an Inspiration to me to start Jogging!!!!! :o)

  5. Tiffani-I don't know why, but my blog dashboard hasn't been telling me you were posting. Poo! I'm sorry I missed the anniversary, but you sound like you are doing good with it all. Your little lady is beautiful and you are doing great. I can't wait to read about your fluro friday. Hugs!
    P.S Do you want the jeans back you sent me? They are too short. LOL.
