Rockin' it Out!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Helloooo friends!

HI!  It's me, Tiffani.. remember me? :)  For those not following my pregnancy blog you probably thought I just fell off the face of the planet! :)  I'm here!

I'm 11 weeks pregnant today and "officially" (as in, according to my ultrasound) due on November 9.  That happens to be the day after Cadence's birthday in case you were keeping track.  I'm feeling good!!  A lot of sleepiness but even that is going away with time and I'm starting to be able to get out of bed before 9 am again.  YAY!

I EAT though... man do I eat!  I still get hung up on foods like bread and chicken just like before which was a surprise to me.  I was under the impression that once your band is empty you can eat like pre-band.  NOT TRUE!  This was a pleasant surprise for me though really.  I'm maintaining my new weight nicely.  I eat far less than pre-band.  I am trying to behave since I am diabetic and need to be good.  My numbers just tell my doctor if I am eating well or eating like crap so I really need to control myself, lol.

My year bandiversary is coming up in 2 days.  Crazy.  I doubt I'll do a whole post on it since I'm up in weight from a year ago... sort of depressing but then again when you think of the outcome.. not so much! :)  I'll just start over after my bub is here safe and sound.  No big deal!  Totally worth it.

I'm going to Chicago for B.O.O.B.S if I'm allowed by my doc.  I'm going to ask her next week just to double check.  I live 2 hours from Chicago but I know I got some paperwork that told me not to "travel" 2 months before delivery... so I'll just check.  I don't think a 2 hour jaunt qualifies as "travel" personally.  Ramona made my day and asked me to be roomies.  I was feeling a bit self-conscious about going, honestly.  I feel like I'm going to be the fat girl!!!  BUT COME ON!!!  Time to cut myself some slack, no?  For some reason I feel like I don't fit in with you banded girls but I AM still banded.  I just have to get over those stupid insecurities, I guess.

Anywho!  I just wanted to drop a note to say hello and catch everyone up.  :)  I'm still reading everyones blogs and will probably start following more from the BOOBS trip to get to know some more ladies before Sept.


  1. I'm glad to hear the pregnancy is going well! Can't wait to meet you in September (if it's all okay with your Doc)!

  2. You & babe sound great. Hope you can make it -- two months from your due date should be fine. My SIL made me fly two WEEKS before my due date to be in their wedding 9 months pg! Can't be any worse than that ;)

  3. I was wondering about you! Congrats and hopefully we will see you in Chicago!

  4. Oh you're going to be the cutest little pregnant girl. Watch out - we'll probably all rub your belly!! LOL

  5. I'm glad things are going well. I hope you can make Chicago.


    You'll fit right in.. fo sho.

  7. Girl, you will be in Chicago if I have to drive to where you live and get you myself. LOL
    Too bad we cant fly together. My flights are non stop from ST. Louis and only take a hour and ten mins. LOL
    I should start following the blogs of the ladies going too, great idea!

  8. Hey Tiff- so good to hear from you. Congrats on the pregnancy- and a healthy one at that.

    DH and I are thinking, well, trying to get PG so I'd be interested in asking you some Q's about being banded and PG when you have a chance?

  9. Hi, I enjoy reading your site! Is it okay to contact your through your email? Please email me back.


